Monday, July 13, 2009

Work Brings pleasure ???

hmmm... a few weeks into my first job... I have still been wondering if work can bring you pleasure...! Today, I got a pinch of it! My manager sent out two opportunities to take up! I replied with my interests and have butterflies hoping to get a good one for my career!
I have to trun back on somebody for support and my biggest support is my Lord!! Ohh God, help me get a good one.. I really wanna make it good! I will work my day n nite to accomplish the tasks on my shoulder!

I really will!!

My thirst for knowledge shall never quench and I need goals to strive!

1 comment:

  1. If I achieve something! It does bring pleasure! Even though I have not been assigned something that big and I have not been kept busy yet! I need my WORK BABY!
    Nothing worked above! Hopefully they have something for me in near future! With no stupid competition from JAN!


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